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Home-Generated Sharps Disposal Program.

Because We Care_EcoSteris.jpg

Free of Charge Drop-Off Service:

Many residents have medical conditions that require self-injections at home. Because of issues regarding safety and the spread of disease, the disposal of home-generated needles, syringes and lancets (or "sharps") has caused some concern among families and trash collection services as well as landfill and recycling staff.

Responding to this growing concern, EcoSteris has developed the "Because We Care" program, a safe and simple way to dispose of home-generated sharps.

EcoSteris is offering a free of charge drop-off service at our facility located at 112 Fabricators Street, Summerville, SC 29483 on the 1st Friday of every quarter between 8:00am and 5:00pm. 

Our first event will be Friday, September 6, 2024.

Because We Care 

Step 1 - Filling out the form

Step 2 - Check the approved container type and size

Disposable Sharps Containers


Bleach or Detergent Bottle

Step 4 - Preparing for Drop-Off

  • Ensure all sharps are securely packed in a disposable sharps container or in an empty bleach or detergent bottle.

  • The sharps container or bottle should be no more than ¾ full, overfilled containers will be rejected.

  • The disposable sharps box should be in its final closing position or the cap on the bottle should be tightly secured.

Step 5 - Arrival at EcoSteris Facility

  • Date and Time: Arrive at the EcoSteris facility (112 Fabricators Street, Summerville, SC) on the designated drop-off date (first Friday of every quarter) during business hours 8:00am to 5:00pm. Our first event will be Friday, September 6, 2024.

  • Identification Check: Present a valid photo ID and the approval email or your ID number to the front desk.

  • Verification: The front desk personnel will verify the individual's registration ID and match it with the approved list.

Step 6 - Drop-Off Process

  • Follow the signs to the designated drop-off area.

  • EcoSteris staff will be present to assist with the drop-off process.

  • Hand over the sharp containers to the EcoSteris staff.

Step 7 - Compliance and Safety Guidelines

  • Approved Containers: Only sharps in approved containers will be accepted. The EcoSteris website provides guidelines for acceptable container types.

  • No On-Site Openings: For safety reasons, sharps containers must not be opened on site.

  • Non-Compliance: Failure to follow the outlined procedures may result in refusal of service.

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